
Fall 2023
Two weeks
In this project, I explored the world of Blade Runner 2049 and conceptualized a product to be used in this world. Blade runners are policemen tasked with hunting down rouge bio-engineered humans called replicants.
Blade runners have to enucleate (remove) the eye of replicants they kill as proof of death. Since they have no tools for this task, I designed a tool that automatically extracts the eyeball with the press of a button. This makes enucleation much more efficient and hygienic.


"Conceptualize a product for use in a scenario from a movie that depicts a future or alternative world. "

I chose Blade Runner 2049 because it demonstrates how technology and design can be used as a tool for oppression and social stratification. Disclaimer: there are plot spoilers ahead for those who haven't watched the movie (if this is you, watch it now).

Eyeball Enucleation Issues

1. Subduing the Replicant
For every replicant a blade runner retires, they must enucleate the eyeball of their target. The blade runner must first read the replicant number with a device, which may require subduing the replicant. This can be difficult, especially when dealing with a combat replicant.
2. Makeshift Enucleation
The blade runner must then perform enucleation by whatever means they have at their disposable. It is inefficient to take out the eye by hand as there are several muscles that need to be severed. Furthermore, this is not hygienic as the blade runner could contract any blood-borne diseases the replicant has.
3. A Job (Not) Well Done
Finally, the blade runner can put the eye in a bag and scan it in to collect their paycheck. Overall, this current process has two major faults: it puts the blade runner at serious risk of harm and is time-intensive.


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